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The Big Serve

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Scene
Dec 1st, 2015

Geneva Academy sent out students, teachers, and parents to serve the community last month as part of Geneva’s annual Big Serve project.

The Big Serve looks for projects in the area where they can assist those who are in need–the elderly or disadvantaged–in order to show them the love of Christ. As a fundraiser, the students not only help others, but help their school by collecting sponsorships from friends and relatives.

Teams of singers went to St. Joseph’s Assisted Living Center and to The Ouachita Council on Aging. Two teams went downtown Monroe to serve; one on each end of the boardwalk. On the south end students built raised gardens for the elderly, and on the north end they built a pergola for the ladies ministered to at Project 41. A fifth team made their way across the river to clean up a section of Kiroli Park in West Monroe.