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Main Man

By Nathan Coker
In Center Block
Oct 28th, 2014



article by Jennifer Schmeer | photography by Martin G Meyers

The rap game has a new player, who is devoted to his faith and has a message to share. With his first single expected to drop in three months, Jonathan Commings, aka Main Main, is only sixteen years old, but has been rapping since the tender age of eight. “My mom had a friend who knew someone with a studio. When they played some instrumental music, I started dancing and rapping. Fell in love with it ever since. When I held the mic to my mouth, it was not a strain for me to rap. It was natural to me.”

Born in Houston, TX with a move to Tallulah, LA at the age of five, Jonathan has experienced both sides of the coin. With a mother as a correctional officer and a father who has been in and out of jail for distributing, Jonathan knows the path he plans on taking. The impacts of an absentee father are clear, but Jonathan remains positive. “I have so many responsibilities and things that I have to live up to. It has made me stronger as a man. If my dad would not have been in jail, he would have been at home with me seeing it (drugs) all the time. Not that I would have done it, but it would have been a temptation for me to go out and sell drugs since my dad was doing it. I think the Lord does everything for a reason. God had something better for me.”

Jonathan descibes his mother and his two young sisters, ages nine and eleven, as his biggest fans and supporters. As they sit by his side, it is clear to see who has been the positive influences in his life. “My mom has been my biggest influence. She is strong and is the only parent to three kids. She is responsible for the house mortgage, car and everything is on her, and she still maintains three kids and got our heads straight.”

Jonathan is planning on a successful career as a Christian rapper, but plans on avoiding the pitfalls that usually catch so many of the current rappers today. “I don’t do it (rap) for the money. I do it to touch people’s lives. I would rather make a song that touches fifteen people than rap about drugs and make fifteen million dollars.”

With Christian rappers not in the forefront of mainstream, Jonathan focuses on his purpose which is sharing his life story. “I am a Christian and was raised in a Christian home. I like telling stories through rapping. I like sharing my life. I do it, because I get to tell about my life and the things God has done for me and the pain I have been through.”

Currently, Jonathan is a student at Ouachita Parish High School, but life lessons have shaped him with wisdom beyond his years. “I have seen what drugs have done to my dad. Drugs took away our father and my mom’s husband from us, so when I see those pitfalls; I just push away.” To deal with the pain, Jonathan goes straight to his notebook to vent his thoughts and feelings through rap lyrics.
Four years of band under his belt achieving honor band and winning metals, Jonathan has mastered reading music and plays instruments such as the clarinet and the drums with future sights on the saxophone. His motto in life is the Bible verse Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Jonathan looks up to legends like Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder as he relates to those that have endured pain and have succeeded in life. LeCrae and the late Lil Snupe are two rappers that have also influenced him in his journey. Besides his natural ability to rap, Jonathan likes to play basketball, football and is a master at 2k Madden.

Self-described as humble, funny and respectful, there seems to be no limits as to what Jonathan can accomplish. He goes by Main Main which was a name bestowed on him by his dad, who is currently serving time for distributing. Jonathan’s dearest possession is a photo of him with his dad. Through his pain, Jonathan focuses on sharing his message. “My goal with rapping is to touch people. Let people know you’re not the only one who grew up without a father. You’re not the only one that is a kid with grown responsibilities. You’re not the only that has a burden on your back. I say praise God because there is nothing he can’t fix.”

As Jonathan maps his way through high school life, he surrounds himself with positive influences. “Some great advice I received: keep squares out of your circle. The people that mean no good. Every day when I wake up, it’s a positive thing that I am trying to do, but if you have people that are negative like kids my age that want to do drugs or have sex; I don’t need to be in that crowd. I get with a group mainly church kids that are going to push me forward in a positive way.”

Besides plans to conquer the rap game, Jonathan’s future goal is to be a successful man by being there for his family. Not just financially, but with uplifting words. “Words can go farther than money could ever go.”

With the dreams of playing one day at Madison Square Garden, Jonathan can usually be found in the studio or at New Life Church. His first single is scheduled for release in about three months with plans to create a fan base. Jonathan wants people to know that he is a guy who cares about people and through his music he has a message he wants to share.

You can follow Jonathan on Instagram @MainMainJC and on Facebook: Jonathan Commings.
    Special thanks to Scott Frick at Music City Studios.