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Floral ARTistry with Bruno DuARTé

By Nathan Coker
In Center Block
Dec 29th, 2014

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The Monroe Garden Study League, member of the Garden Club of America, is putting on a winter FUNraiser! Join this industrious garden club for Floral Artistry with world renowned floral designer Bruno Duarté on Wednesday, February 25th, 2015, at Bayou DeSiard Country Club. The fun begins with apéritifs at 5 o’clock p.m.  Bruno Duarté takes the stage at 6 o’clock p.m. for his presentation “Fresh Floral Creations.” Floral arrangements created by Duarté will be raffled off after his presentation. Tickets ($50) are on sale now and are extremely limited. For ticket inquiries, please call 318.381.0037.

About Bruno Duarté:
From the mountains to the markets, Bruno Duarté grew up surrounded by flowers on his family’s farm in Madeira. This island paradise off the coast of Morocco is known as the floating garden and is home to rare species of flowers from around the world. It’s here where Bruno’s passion for orchids and all things floral began.

Much like his Belgian contemporaries, Bruno’s approach to floral design is both sculptural and emotional, blending organic materials and found objects together to create works of art. His floral studio in Toronto is often mistaken for an art gallery, where weekly window displays are created to showcase his artistry.

His exceptional craftsmanship and innovative design techniques have captured the attention of socialites and A-list celebrities in Canada as well as international glitterati like Renée Zellweger, Patti LaBelle and Sir Elton John.

When Bruno’s not at his studio, he can be found designing in front of a live audience.  He frequently appears on local and national television programs and gives floral demonstrations at Home and Garden shows.  Design firms in the city have Bruno on speed dial and call upon him to create large structures for art galleries, restaurants, luxury condos, hotels and private homes.  He is also a regular contributor to magazines in Australia, Canada and the United States, where his seasonal decor and wedding work are prominently featured.

You can check out Bruno Duarté’s work at www.freshflorals.com