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article by Dan Chason There is a lot of misinformation, particularly on the internet concerning Concealed Carry in Louisiana.  With that there is even more misnomers concerning what, when, where and how you can be a legally armed citizen and exercise your rights to possess a firearm.  As a concealed ...
by Shannon Dahlum, FDN-P There’s no arguing that humans are tribal creatures and that all we thrive in community with one another. It’s been shown in numerous studies that people who have strong support systems live longer, have longer health spans, and experience better disease outcomes than those w...
articles by MEREDITH MCKINNIEphotography by KELLY MOORE CLARK The ULM Women’s Symposium annually highlights women from across Northeast Louisiana for their individual achievements, professional and personal. The panelists share their stories with ULM students and fellow community members to showcase ...