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Bayou Profile

ARTICLE BY VANELIS RIVERA     PHOTOGRAPHY BY KELLY MOORE CLARK How does a chef of Cory Bahr’s caliber, one that has been in hundreds of commercial kitchens all over the country, narrow down selections for a home kitchen? Bahr’s response is refreshing–simplicity and cabinet space.  Cory Bahr is a busy...
INTERVIEW BY MEREDITH MCKINNIE | PHOTOGRAPHS BY SHELBIE MONKRES How did you come to writing? I’ve always been a big reader, though I think most authors can say that. I did some writing as a kid. We found a letter I had written to an author who had come to the library where my aunt […]...
BY NILS BORQUISTPHOTGRAPHS BY KELLY MOORE CLARK Edward Gibbon wrote that “the winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.” This quote beautifully and aptly illustrates the blend that luck and ability create to produce triumph. Certainly, while good fortune is wished for and hard ...