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article by VANELIS RIVERAphotography by KELLY MOORE CLARK While some are calling his revival “a big return,” Roy Arthur’s  Monroe’s Restaurant is also a reflection of the current local  community and aims to bring together some of the old and some  of the new. Arthur values family-owned restaurants w...
by Erin Sharplin Love | erinlove@panachebyerin.com Getting rid of clutter and organizing the essentials isn’t just about devising a new storage system. It should be about figuring out why you are holding on to the stuff in the first place. You might have tried to get organized many times, but you fin...
review by Meredith McKinnie “Look at everything always as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time: Thus is your time on earth filled with glory.” Christmas is a time for reading the classics, or so I believe. I kept Betty Smith’s novel on my shelf for the last few years, […...