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article by Meredith McKinniephotography by Kelly Moore Clark  “During hard times, come and find me. I’ll hold your hand,  and together we will be.” For Geneviève Wetzel, enduring  hardship is an opportunity to create a community, summon  inner strength, and raise awareness.  When her father was diagn...
article by Cindy G. Foust Hello dear friends in our BayouLife family, as together we invite the warmer months of spring into our community. Alas, however, the bitter cold days are still amongst us, especially today as I sit in my big comfy chair and write my column. Donkey watching, of course. I wond...
article by Georgiann PottspPhotography by Kelly Moore Clark Debbie Hardy Sawyer is no stranger to hard work. She has spent her life doing hard work both to further her career and support her community. An exceptional businesswoman, Debbie developed a stellar business career beginning with retail sale...