On January 5, 2019 the Bayou DeSiard Country Club Cotillion was held. Charles Marsala served as Master of Ceremonies and this year’s presentation was sponsored by the governing Board of the club, as well as the parents of the young ladies. The nineteen ladies that were presented were Katherine Burkett, Rae Dickson, Elana Dickson, Kylie Embanato, Lily Hart, Annelies Hayward, Emma Jane Johnson, Molly Landry, Bailey Lemoine, Gabby Morstead, Olivia Morstead, Caroline Raymond, Rebecca Robinson, Sarah Ryan, Lucy Sartor, Elizabeth Shackelford, Olivia Thomas, Halley Travis and Julia Trettin. After the presentation, everyone danced the night away and enjoyed the celebration!
Katie and Dr. Rolf Morstead
Keith Johnson and John David Trettin
Wesley Johnson and Judy Marx
Adeline Brunnini, Charlotte Robinson and Sam Brown
Shannon and Joey Embanato
Emerson Glover, Shannon, Kylie, Joey and Kade Embanato
Annelies Hayward and Dr. Christiana Hayward
Al and Aimee Hayward
Bambi Tonore, Johnna Nelson, Loretta Lemoine, Tammy Cagnolatti and Aimee Hayward
Al Hayward, Jim Tonore, Dale Cagnolatti and Ryan Nelson
Sarah and Daniel Raymond
Dee and Dr. John Ledbetter
Sarah and Caroline Raymond and Jodee Bruyninckx
Bill Patrick, Olivia Morstead, Kathy Patrick, Katherine Patrick and Isabel McCurdy
Sarah Raymond Haydel and Deborah Raymond
Olivia Thomas and Lynne LeBlanc
Blake LeBlanc, Connor Thomas, Lynne LeBlanc and Olivia Thomas
Evelyn Johnson and Anthony Perkins
Carolyn Emenwein, Rebecca Robinson and Preston Davis
MaryBeth Kelligrew, Adelaide Sartor, Dr. Walter Sartor, Lucy Sartor, Walt Sartor, Jr. and Peter Kelligrew
Joe and Cynthia Travis