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By Cassie Livingston
In Center Block
Jun 5th, 2020

Spices and seasonings found on the shelves in most grocery stores are usually highly adulterated and beefed up with fillers. Instead of getting the true flavor of an herb that stands on its own, you are getting a lot of unwanted MSGs and poor quality sodium, preservatives and additives. Oh, and wasted packaging that goes back into the landfills.

Photographs and article by HEATHER LAND

Order bulk herbs and spices from a trusted company that sources from farmers who grow sustainably and without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Not only will the product be superior, it will also be packaged with the earth in mind. And you will save on costs and trips down the aisle.

Herbs and spices last longest when stored in glass out of direct light. Gather up old glass jars and some sort of a simple label maker and you are ready to go.

Pink Himalayan Sea salt and cracked pepper are staples, as are garlic, onion, oregano and cinnamon. Try noting the ingredients on some of your favorite blends and create your own. Taking note that the first listed ingredient will be the most and the amounts of each descend from there. Use your tastebuds and instincts to concoct something you love.

Get your little ones to help funnel, label and organize. Kids love this kind of stuff. And it’s a great way to introduce smells and textures and individual ingredients – learning to identify flavors with cultural cuisines.