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By Cassie Livingston
In AskErin
Jul 30th, 2020

by ERIN SHARPLIN LOVE | erinlove@panachebyerin.com

Let’s be honest. How many times have you gotten organized only to find yourself a month later back where you started? If this is a frequent occurrence for you, I can PROMISE you that you are not alone. In my business as a professional organizer and interior stylist, I see homes regress to their original state frequently. Now, I want to assure you that this is not because you are “messy” or that you and your family are “lazy,” nor is it because the area was not organized properly. Instead, it is simply because you have not made organizing a part of your life. What do I mean? Getting organized is a process and staying organized is a lifestyle!

Let me say that again – Getting organized is a process and staying organized is a lifestyle! That means that no matter how many times you try the process of getting organized, if you do not change your habits and your attitude, you will never be able to stay organized. My job as a professional is to create a system that works for each client’s specific lifestyle, and the client’s job is to utilize the plan correctly. Now, if I have done my job, each process should be easy to use and easy to maintain, but it is up to you, as the client, to change your habits enough to maintain the rules. Does that make sense? This is something to keep in mind when you are creating your own plan, too. Do not make the process harder than it should be. You must create methods that work for you, your lifestyle, and your personality, as well as for those that share the home with you.

Unfortunately, you, nor I, can change the habits and attitudes of those that share your home, but you can control yourself and be the first one to start implementing the behaviors that lead to a beautiful, clean, and organized home. Below are some simple habits that you can begin today:

IF YOU GET IT OUT, PUT IT BACK. This may seem like a juvenile tip, but sometimes it takes a reminder to realize that you may not be the best at this. Your motto should be – spend time now to save time later. What that means is that it will take you much longer later to return the items to their home, so do it now!

IF YOU OPEN IT, SHUT IT. Nothing contributes more to the look and feel of disorganization than doors and drawers that have been left ajar. But the buck doesn’t stop there. This rule also applies to items that you may use throughout the day. For instance, face cream, jewelry box, pill bottles, etc. Not only does leaving these items open contribute to the look of disorganization, but it can also contribute to the deterioration of the product inside.

IF YOU TRY IT ON, HANG IT UP. Now, I know we are all guilty of this one, me included! Although, I do typically hang items up after wearing or laundering them, there are occasions when I am rushed and, therefore, feel as though I don’t have the time to put them back on the hanger. Then, I am rushed again… and again… and again and before long, there is a pile of clothing that needs to be put away. now is the time to stop this neverending process and start the new habit of hanging each item up immediately after wearing it. Remember, take time now to save time later!

IF YOU GET IT DIRTY, WASH IT. This habit doesn’t apply only to dishes or clothing. I am talking about spills, spots, and other messes. For example, if you have water spots on the mirror, wipe them off. If you spill some face cleanser, wipe it up. If your lunch overflows in the microwave, clean it up. You get the picture.

IF YOU DON’T USE IT, GET RID OF IT. This is one of the hardest rules to follow because “you never know if you will need it.” Right? Trust me on my “two year rule.” If you haven’t used or worn an item in two years, the chances that you will use it or wear it are slim. Donate it to someone you know who will use it, and if that slim chance that you need it arises, you will know right where to go to borrow it.

IF IT IS EXPIRED, THROW IT OUT. I know that there is some controversy when it comes to “expired by” dates, but I tend to lean towards getting rid of anything that is expired no matter what the circumstances. Why take the chance that the item is ruined, won’t work correctly, or will harm you or your family in some way? It just makes me feel better to toss expired items. You make your own choices where this is concerned, but I suggest that you make it a habit to sort through your fridge and your pantry on a monthly basis. You should toss anything that is visibly ruined.

IF IT IS JUNK, THROW IT AWAY. In other words, junk mail should be tossed immediately as well as anything that is irreparably broken or inoperable. No exceptions!

IF IT IS A BILL, PAY IT. You MUST create a system for bill paying. It is the easiest way handle your business correctly and on time. For instance, I pay bills every Friday without fail. What day can you set aside to pay and file bills?

IF YOU SCHEDULE IT, WRITE IT DOWN. Don’t try to remember appointments that you have made. Grab a planner or use an app on your phone to keep up with them. Save that space in your brain for other things!

If you follow these steps for 28 days, they will become habits that are second nature to you. If you need a little help, try using a habit tracker to motivate you and show your progress. Check out the one I have provided for you, that is available for download at www.bayoulifemag.com.