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By Nathan Coker
In AskErin
Jan 28th, 2021

by ERIN SHARPLIN LOVE  |  erinlove@panachebyerin.com

When was the last time you cast your troubles aside, had fun, and truly celebrated? With what we faced in 2020 (and are still facing), I bet those times have been few and far between.  Well, I say that we should make 2021 a year of celebration – safely, of course!  Let’s celebrate our health, our family, our doctors and nurses, our homes, our pets, our businesses, and everything else in our lives!  And while we are at it, February is the perfect time to celebrate our friendships!

For many of us, our friends are our ones who have pulled us out of hard times.  They are a shoulder to cry on, our unwavering cheerleaders, and they have our backs when we need it. If that is not cause for a celebration, I don’t know what is!  

With that being said, this month I want to help you plan a day that will not be forgotten (and may even become a yearly occurrence!) For those of you who have not heard of “Gal”entines Day, let me explain. The term was dubbed by Amy Poehler in the sitcom, “Parks and Recreation.” It is a celebration of female friendship.    Think about it…we have specific celebration days for moms, dads, grandparents, couples, and so much more, but there isn’t one specific day that we celebrate our friendships.  

So, below are my ideas for a 2021-inspired “Gal”entine’s Day:

PLAN A COOKING PARTY.  Hire a personal chef to come in and teach your crew how to make a special meal.  If you are like me, you get tired of cooking the same things over and over, so learning how to cook a quick and easy new meal would be educational as well as fun.  Be sure to include your favorite wine that would go with the chosen meal and set a formal table.  It will add to the overall ambiance and make the party that much more memorable.  Speaking of wine…

HOST A WINE TASTING. Who doesn’t love to attend a wine tasting? There are so many varieties of wine that you are sure to please even the most discerning drinkers. There are even non-alcoholic versions for those friends who won’t be drinking. You could even include cute wine glass markers that could serve as party favors. And don’t forget the obligatory charcuterie board! 

HAVE A PAJAMA PARTY. This one may be my favorite because I have been craving some girl time with rejuvenating moisture masks and at- home pedicures!  You could even have eye masks as favors for your friends to use at home.  Be sure to set the mood with relaxing music, good wine, essential oils, and anything else that you would enjoy.  

ATTEND A PAINT PARTY. Contact your local “Painting with a Twist” and see what you can cook up. You can bring wine and pizza (or other food choice) to these events, too!  Painting is so relaxing, and it gives the mind a bit of a break from routine.  

HOST MOVIE NIGHT. This is something I have wanted to do for a while now. You can do it outside under the stars or in your family room.  Either one would be different and fun!  Think of warm blankets, soft socks, popcorn, candy, and a good horror flick to snap you out of reality and into another realm.  Or you could be traditional and watch a sappy, love story!  

GO FOR GAME NIGHT. Pull out all your favorite games such as Scrabble, Checkers, Connect Four, and Battleship and set up different stations for each game.  You could also play card games such as Rook, Rummy, and Pokeno if you prefer.  Have prizes for the winners of each game.  What fun. 

Remember that hosting duties don’t have to be on only one person. No matter which event you choose, find ways to split up the duties so each friend will feel like she contributed.  For instance, if you choose to do the wine tasting, each friend could bring her favorite bottle of wine.  The point is to have fun and celebrate your friendships! 

There are so many ways to get together with friends in a safe, yet fun environment this “Gal”entine’s Day!  I know that I would LOVE to attend any one of these themed-evenings.  They all sound like so much fun. And aren’t we all craving that right now?  I know that I am. Which event will you choose for your crew?  I can’t wait to hear all about it. Please share!