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I Remember

By Nathan Coker
In I Remember
Jan 2nd, 2024

article by PAUL LIPE
opinion expressed is that of the writer

I remember when the reality, the suddenness, and the finality of death became very real for me.  I was in my sophomore year of college when news of the death of one of my closest friends began to spread.  He and I had been classmates from the time we entered first grade and, over the years, had become pretty close friends.  We took most of our classes together and during our senior year we were involved in a friendly competition for top scholastic honors for the Class of 1954! There was no embarrassment and little pain when I came in second to this gifted scholar, but I think you can appreciate the fact that there was some pain associated with his sudden death.

We were informed that the cause of my friend’s demise was a tumor on his brain.  Surgery was not an option in his case and the growth of the cancer was rapid.   Despite the shocking suddenness of my classmate’s passing, I was quite surprised at the calm, peaceful demeanor of his parents and other members of his family.  There were practically no tears being shed by his closest relatives. I’ve come to realize that, though Christians do grieve, they do not grieve as those who have no hope (I Thess. 4:13). Perhaps a key to unlocking this phenomenon is to be seen in that family’s history. You see, my friend’s parents were medical missionaries to China until they were expelled by the Japanese invasion of China in the early days of World War II.  My classmate grew up in a home where God and His standards, revealed in the Bible, held a prominent place.  Chief among those principles is the teaching that God sent His Son, Jesus, into our world to secure salvation for His children and to prepare an eternal place for them in heaven. Knowing that their son was a follower of Jesus, even though his death was a loss to them, that same death was a victory for their son. So as their grief for the loss of their offspring  was surely intent, it was ameliorated  by their  hope of the resurrection  to eternal life that Jesus had in store for him.

Even though his stay on this earth was seemingly cut short, they could view his early departure as getting a premature start on his eternal stay in the glory of heaven.  Perhaps this could be something like getting dessert before the green vegetables!

As we enter the New Year, we can expect that there will be some trials that we shall have to face, and numbered among them will likely be some deaths – deaths to family members or just to friends.  How we cope with these situations will depend on our relationship with Jesus.  For those who believe the Gospel, death is not a tragedy but is, instead, the doorway into the eternity purchased for us by Jesus. I lost my wife to death a little over a year and a half ago, and it has been the hope of heaven that has sustained me.  May that same faith give each of you hope and strength as you trust in Him!