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Hardlucy Releases New Album

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Profile
Jun 26th, 2014


article by Trent Livingston | photo by AB Chao

Hardlucy duo Matt Biersmith and Vince Chao have developed some of the best material to be heard in recent times.  With artwork created by Monroe native Randy Lowe and a flowing arrangement of songs with unblemished local appeal, Misanthropy has a unique way of leaving the listener looking inward as much as the artists.  From striking melodies and complementary instrumentals to the everyday “sing-a-longs” and exemplary compilation, you will want to make sure to get your personal copy of this disk from a band that many thought would never return.  A stern look inward finds this album to be “of the most intimate works that basically created itself without being contrived” Matt Biersmith stated.  Vince added, “There was no true intention of an album. We were miles apart just sharing ideas and thoughts that eventually became songs, and songs that became…Misanthropy.”

From “Buckhorn Bend, Portico Lounge and a house on Bayou DeSiard, he’s more Kansas City, I am more Louisianne,” one can’t help but feel the influence of the bayou that have given breadth to inspirational and at times piercing lyrics.  “At most, the compilation is that of a roller coaster winding, turning gradually building up then down…back and forth,” states Matt as he offered a brief glimpse on his thoughts for how he laid out the tracks.  It would not have been complete without asking the questions of how to make an album when both artists are over a normal workday drive apart, Matt stated “time consuming…Misanthropy is at least a three-year undertaking due to the time constraints and use of Internet, email and other forms of media between Vince and I.”  “Creative thoughts and ideas were bounced back and forth like soundboards,” Vince commented.

“As you know, I can’t leave out the dedication of this album to Albert Elias, our true friend and co-founder of Hardlucy,” Matt said with heavy heart.  “Without his belief in us and his true passion for the art and creation thereof, Hardlucy would probably never be,” said Matt.  “Thanks be to Albert Elias and his passion for Hardlucy, for we are all the better for having both in our lives.”

To find your own Misanthropy, check iTunes and Amazon or if you prefer an album check Matt’s Music, Portico and BayouLife.  For a sample of Hardlucy’s new album, check out the acoustic version of I’m Home Blues (The Second Time We Met) here.