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Monroe’s own rock band returns home for a benefit concert article by Mary Napoli | photos by Joli Livaudais Kevin Griffin’s distinctive falsetto voice fills the Monroe Civic Center.  At sound check, the arena is nearly empty, save a few crew members and close friends, and BetterThan Ezra is war...
A Profile of Twelve Restaurants with Staying Power photography by Joli Livaudais Restaurants can be a fickle business, where new players take the place of old standards every day. In boom times, new restaurants pop up like mushrooms on a moist Spring night. In lean times, they vanish almost without w...
Moving the Farm Closer to the Table article by Michael DeVault | photos by Brad Arender A woman browsing the produce aisle at Walmart is surveying a bin full of ripe, plump tomatoes. She picks one up, squeezes it slightly and places it into an open bag in her buggy. Another tomato, but this one [&hel...