article by Kenny Covington I have always been one to tinker with lures. Rarely have I ever bought a lure and not tried to change it, in some fashion, in order to make it “better.” I think it is a natural instinct in fisherman to attempt improvements, even on things that may work just fine [&hellip...
Mechelle and Brad Terral’s Pittman-Houge Island Camp article by Maré Brennan | photography by Martin G Meyers Today is my lucky day as I meet with Mechelle Terral who’s offered to take me to “The Island,” also known as Pittman-Hogue Island, where she and her husband Brad have recently completed...
Thankful for Good Friends Like Leon “Sonny” Miletello article by Dan Chason Anyone who knows Leon “Sonny” Miletello will tell stories of a man who is small of stature but bigger than life. I call him “Uncle Sonny,” even though we are not related. I have told him many times I...