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article by Erin Sharplin Love Let me ask you a question – What percentage of the “stuff” in your home do you actually enjoy using? Consider every piece of clothing, every shoe, every utensil, every gadget, every tchotchke and every toy. Now consider how much time, space and money that has been wasted...
Bayou Icon Bing Bishop reflects on the relationships that shaped him, the road to success, and recognizing the value of community. article by Michael DeVault   | photographs by Brad Arender Drive across north Monroe and it’s almost impossible to not notice the fingerprint developer Bing Bishop has le...
reviews by Michael DeVault When Dallas designer Michelle Nussbaumer invited BayouLife editor Maré Brennan into her haute design boutique Ceylon et Cie last month, the resulting photographs and peripatetic narrative Nussbaumer weaves around the globe stunned many of us into dreams of Magellanesque adv...