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by Georgia Hunter REVIEW BY MEREDITH MCKINNIE “Months later, in a different world, Nechuma will look back on this evening, the last Passover when they were nearly all together, and wish with every cell of her body that she could relive it.”  The author Georgia Hunter grew up in the comfort of America...
by Kate Morton REVIEW BY MEREDITH MCKINNIE “There are few certainties in this world, but I will tell you something I know: the truth depends on who it is that’s telling the story.” I am so in love with this book. Kate Morton creates a timeless, century-shifting examination of people connected via the...
Flowered fabrics and bold hues breathe life into a Lake D’Arbonne retreat reinvigorated by the playful aesthetic of Stacy and Tim Lee WRITTEN BY Meredith McKinnie |   PHOTOGRAPHY BY Kelly Moore Clark Stacy and Tim Lee always imagined retiring to the country where life inevitably slows down, but the o...