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Bayou Outdoors

ARTICLE BY DAN CHASON There is something about October that is very special to many of us who enjoy chasing critters such as the popular whitetail deer.  There are fields and lanes to clip, stands to clean, move and put up.  There are feeders to fix…but wait…not everywhere.  This year wil...
article by Dan Chason I once said that I think that my one and only older brother starting picking on me while I was still in the womb. I was 2 1/2 years younger than my brother Steve. I was a chunky young man, and wore Huskies and my brother wore Slims. He was lean, mean […]...
article by Dan Chason There is no shortage of opportunities in the heat of the summer to catch quality bass.  Back when I was mad at the bass, my favorite time to fish was when I had to lay wet towels on the deck to keep from burning my feet through my sandals.  When water […]...