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Bayou Outdoors

Dedicating Our Guidance and Our Time article by Dan Chason In Luke 18:16, Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not,” meaning allow the kids to come see me and don’t prevent it. I remember this every time I see my grandkids pull into my driveway. Someone once asked [...
article by Dan Chason With deer and duck season ending, February is the time for transition. For some it is squirrel and rabbit hunting, for others it is time to dust off the boat and start looking for pre-spawn fish. For the smart hunter, it is time to head back to the woods and start […]...
Thinking Outside the Box This Hunting Season article by Dan Chason January can be a wonderful time to hunt. For duck hunters in North Louisiana, this is the time to make it happen. Ducks are moving in on the arctic fronts, the geese are here to stay and the hope is for good cold weather […]...