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Bayou Kidz

article by Cindy G. Foust Greetings loyal readers as we stare into the eyes of the month of May, the proverbial “end of school” month of the year. I don’t know of anyone in the world that can look back on their educational career, whether they stopped after high school, or took it as far […]...
article by Cindy G. Foust Ideas for Entertaining Young Travelers Travel, travel, travel…is there anything more fun and exciting than loading your “crew” up in the “family truckster” (I have a feeling I will be referencing Clark Griswold a lot in this month’s column) and heading out for a 22-hour cros...
article by Cindy G. Foust Hello to our wonderful Bayou Life community as I write this month’s column from the comfort of my big comfy chair. In case you haven’t noticed, spring is here whether we like it not, and we didn’t even get a snow day. Bummer. Well, unless you work for Entergy, you […]...