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Bayou Kidz

article by Cindy G. Foust Hello dear friends in our BayouLife family, as together we invite the warmer months of spring into our community. Alas, however, the bitter cold days are still amongst us, especially today as I sit in my big comfy chair and write my column. Donkey watching, of course. I wond...
Supporting a Family Through a Loss of a Childarticle by Cindy G. Foust Happy February readers…because January certainly flew by in a snap. That snap can also be referred to as a cold snap, an ice snap or simply put, snowmageden. Except we mostly got ice and really cold temperatures at our house...
article by Cindy G. Foust Happy New Year to the nation that has listened to me ramble and roll for the past 11 years. What a thrilling accomplishment to have spent the last 132 months with you friends. I think I can safely refer to our friendship now that we’ve spent all this time together, […...