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Bayou Kidz

article by Cindy G. Foust It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas as I write this month’s column from the window of my Breckenridge cabin while the snow falls softly to the ground and I get ready to “stop by the woods on a snowy evening.” Just kidding, I don’t have a cabin in […]...
She Took Charge of Her StorySHE OVERCAMEPowerful. article by Cindy G. Foust Happy month of Thanksgiving, readers, as I write this column while I sit in my pumpkin patch and admire all my pumpkins. I mean, how many of you knew I was related to Charlie Brown and his great pumpkin? Incidentally, that is...
The Earlier the Detection, the Better Article by Cindy G. Foust It’s here…fall that is. Except, just like last month, it still feels like we are in the dead of summer. Would the atmospheric gods please shine their cooler temp wand at us? Anybody got a connection? Anybody? I’m telling you, sitting in ...