Even if the New Normal Outside Our Homes Look Different article by Cindy G. Foust Happy fall, readers, as we enjoy the most perfect morning we have had this entire year. Isn’t that safe to say? I mean, this year has been one that my grandchildren will be studying about in their history books, am [&he...
How to Approach Letting Your Kid Style Themselves article by Cindy G. Foust Well, it happened again readers, the email from my publisher telling me that the September issue would be about fashion, and to feel free to contribute to the issue with all things apparel. Uh… excuse me? I tried to delete it...
No Matter Where You Are article by Cindy G. Foust Happy August BayouLife friends and family as we continue our pilgrimage through this pandemic crisis. Anyone else growing their own food and stockpiling toilet paper in preparation for the apocalypse? Just kidding…my daughter and I have a small herb g...