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Bayou Artist

While she was a natural-born dancer, Dianne Maroney Grigsby didn’t always plan on dance as a career. As it turned out, dance found her. Lucky for us Grigsby’s passion is our reward through her choreography set on area companies. article by MichaelDeVault | Photography by Brad Arender She’s tall...
Family, Talent and the Kennedy Mystique article by Michael DeVault & Mary Napoli | photography by Brad Arender John and Doug Kennedy stood over the table, lifted the frame of the silk screen press, and waited for the print to set. It was 1989, and neither of them quite knew what to expect. At the...
Monroe’s own rock band returns home for a benefit concert article by Mary Napoli | photos by Joli Livaudais Kevin Griffin’s distinctive falsetto voice fills the Monroe Civic Center.  At sound check, the arena is nearly empty, save a few crew members and close friends, and BetterThan Ezra is war...