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article by Nils Borquistphotography by Kelly Moore Clark After years of concerns that led to discouragement regarding the actual nutrition of the food they and their children were consuming, Matt and Marylane Miletello, proprietors of Miletello Family Farms, began utilizing more of their own lawn for...
review by MEREDITH MCKINNIE “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl’s groundbreaking book, originally published in 1959, details his experience as a prisoner of war during World War II, his post-war development of a school of psychother...
review by MEREDITH MCKINNIE “Among many enumerated rights that the government cannot abridge, the right to vote remained conspicuously absent and remains so to this day.”  In Lichtman’s book centered on the history of voting rights in America, the most surprising revelation is the book’s premise...