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How Trey Altick’s Character Continues Shaping Young Lives by Cindy G. Foust I’m wondering if anybody in the BayouLife nation is ready for spring besides me? I am tired of cold, depressing days with little sunshine and dreary moods. To further the dreariness, just last week I had to attend the f...
article by Dan Chason I am rarely at a loss for words.   There aren’t a whole lot of things that really hit me in my core, but this past weekend I experienced that feeling. My son, Andy called me and asked me what I was doing on the following weekend. His son, COOPER JUST TURNED ONE and he [&he...
article by Michael DeVault  |  photo by Joli Livaudais Claire Vangelisti is a long way from home, but you wouldn’t know it to visit her studio on the second floor of Biedenharn Hall at the University of Louisiana-Monroe, where Vangelisti – “Dr. V” to her students – teaches voice stu...