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Learning To Let Go article by Cindy G. Foust Well, that was quick. January just sped by, and here we are embracing the month of love. I know I’m not the only one who thinks time is flying at warp speed the older I get. In my now 50th year of life, however, I wish […]...
You CAN and You WILL (Keep Your New Year Resolutions) by Erin Sharplin Love Statistically, only eight percent of those who make resolutions for the New Year actually keep them.  Despite all good intentions, many lack the motivation and dedication to follow through. But, how would you like to be one o...
Resolutions For An Organized New Year article by Erin Sharplin Love erinlove@panachebyerin.com With each new year comes a fresh start and a chance to make ourselves a bit better than we were the year before.  What will you do to make yourself better in 2017?  Commit to exercising every day?   Go vege...