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article by VANELIS RIVERA | photography by MARTIN G MEYERS When the mayor of a town is known for frequenting a certain restaurant, it’s better than a five-star Yelp review. Such is the case at The Fish House, Sterlington’s easy-going hangout spot serving country boy soul food — deep-Southern co...
article and photos by Dan Chason March is my favorite month to fish. Right behind it is October, but the magic of March is hard to beat. Anyone that is trying to explain to their wife why they are out of pocket every weekend in March may find it hard to explain why there is […]...
ARTICLE BY KAY RECTOR AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY BRAD ARENDER MONROE ARTIST BUNNY HEWITT describes herself as a “moody painter.”  She paints only when she feels moved to create, filling her canvas with whatever images inspire her in the moment. While her artistic process may not be regimented or methodical, ...