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She Took Charge of Her StorySHE OVERCAMEPowerful. article by Cindy G. Foust Happy month of Thanksgiving, readers, as I write this column while I sit in my pumpkin patch and admire all my pumpkins. I mean, how many of you knew I was related to Charlie Brown and his great pumpkin? Incidentally, that is...
Georgie and Lea Johnson’s grandson, Toby Traylor, has continued the tradition of delivering delcious food and mouth-watering pies in a casual, down-home atmosphere at the Monroe restaurant. ARTICLE BY VANELIS RIVERA | PHOTOGRAPHY BY PRAJAL PRASAI It all started in 1928 in Lecompte, Louisiana. “Before...
City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert REVIEW BY MEREDITH MCKINNIE “At some point in a woman’s life, she just gets tired of being ashamed all the time. After that, she is free to become whoever she truly is.” The novel follows Vivian Morris, a privileged girl who moves to NYC in the 1940s. A college [&he...