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Article by VANELIS RIVERA | photography by Kelly Moore Clark When you name your restaurant after the state dog of Louisiana, you’re not making a subtle statement. The Catahoula Leopard Dog is a short-coated canine, known for its striking appearance of varied coat and eye color patterns, including the...
ARTICLE | Alana WagnerPHOTOGRAPHER | Kelly Moore ClarkWEBSITE | www.hamaker-art-design.com Of the services Robin Hamaker provides through Robin Hamaker Art & Design, perhaps the most valuable is vision. Whether it is an interior design project or an art consultation, Robin is able to see past wha...
by ERIN SHARPLIN LOVE | erinlove@panachebyerin.com As an interior stylist and decorator, I am often asked the same questions over and over. We all want our homes to feel warm and welcoming, but often have no idea where to start. With over ten years of design experience and implementation, I have lear...