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article by Georgiann Potts | photography by Kelly Moore Clark  Dr. Ron Berry is a quiet, thoughtful fellow by nature. By his own admission, he is an introvert who cares more about serving and helping others than about garnering personal attention. Reminiscent of those who are known better by their ac...
Interior decorator Shawn Brazzell helped Kerry and Theresa McCoy expand the timeless sophistication of their stately home with yuletide accents, spreading the delights of the season from the inside out. INTERIOR DECORATING BY Shawn Brazzell WRITTEN BY Vanelis RiveraPHOTOGRAPHY BY Kelly Moore Clark Ou...
ARTICLE BY VANELIS RIVERAPHOTOGRAPHY BY ANDREW BAILEY Calvin “Cal” Presley is a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. A quick scroll through his band’s Facebook page portrays an easygoing 34-year-old with an affinity for wearing single-tone baseball caps backward, dark aviators, and a plethora of sneakers. ...