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ARTICLE BY VANELIS RIVERA & PHOTOGRAPHY BY ANDREW BAILEY Offering private instruction by qualified, university-trained personnel, GRACE NOTE ACADEMY is taking classic teaching styles and making them accessible to students of all ages and abilities. A grace note is a music notation usually printed...
by ERIN SHARPLIN LOVE  |  erinlove@panachebyerin.com When was the last time you cast your troubles aside, had fun, and truly celebrated? With what we faced in 2020 (and are still facing), I bet those times have been few and far between.  Well, I say that we should make 2021 a year of celebration – sa...
WORDS BY CASSIE LIVINGSTON AND  PHOTOGRAPHY BY KELLY MOORE CLARK I’ve often struggled with the “how-to” of mantle decorating after Christmas. Everything seems bare and no matter what I do, it is often lackluster – especially when the TV is the main focal point in our family room. This year, Taylor Be...