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Bayou Scene

The annual Chi Omega Christmas Party was held this year at the beautiful home of Mary Hardwick. The party honors all the new pledges and their mothers, and also serves as the Christmas social gathering.  Some of those attending were Jennifer Graham, Lynn Barr, Fran Turpin, Caroline Coon, Mary Howell ...
On Monday, December 14 the members of Trenton Society and their guests were treated to a presentation featuring the perfect marriage of storytelling and visual arts. First United Methodist Church in West Monroe was the place where the beloved nativity story took on new breath and meaning as Allison M...
The famous popcorn, drinks and snacks were provided to the city of Bastrop as many friends and family came out to Pearce Pharmacy for their annual Open House November 15th.  Excitement filled the air, as people shopped and visited with one another. Pearce Pharmacy had a great turn out and they were a...