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Bayou Scene

On Saturday, March 19th Croswell’s Boutique 139 hosted it’s 2nd Annual Spring Open House.  Guests were handed an Easter egg full of discounts at the door to prepare them for a fun day of shopping with friends and family.  The event created immense excitement and the Open House was a huge success. Wit...
Eddleman Dental and Hopkins Dermatology hosted a Spring Open House on March 17th to showcase the best our area has to offer in Cosmetic Dentistry and Dermatology.  Guests were invited to tour both facilities and hear about the latest procedures in both clinics.  Cheese and wine were served to celebra...
On April 8th, Leigh Ann and Stacey Goff opened their beautiful home to sponsors of The Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum’s Annual Spring Home Tour and Luncheon. This year, author and linen magnate, Jane Scott Hodges, was the guest speaker and attended the night’s event with family and friends of ...