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Ask Erin: Your Christmas CAN Be Organized!

By Nathan Coker
In AskErin
Dec 3rd, 2018

article by Erin Love

Doesn’t it seem as though Halloween was just yesterday? Nevermind, Halloween! It feels like summer was just yesterday to me! Alas, it was indeed not. It is the beginning of December and Christmas holiday season has officially begun! I know a lot of you have already decorated for Christmas, even before Thanksgiving, but I cannot wrap my brain around Christmas until after Thanksgiving! Who else is with me? Anyway, the weeks between each holiday seem to fly by in the blink of an eye, so it’s essential to get organized as quickly as possible to head off any last minute issues that may arise, as well as, to save your sanity!

The first step to getting and staying organized for the holidays is preparation! Take the time to sit down and begin a “to-do” list!! I suggest that you never underestimate the value of writing things down, especially during such a hectic time of year. You may want to keep this list with you during the first part of December, as tasks will be sure to pop in your head while you are on the go. Don’t forget to utilize the “note” app on your phone, too!

Once you have finished your to-do list, the fun stuff can really begin! Below you will find advice and tips to help you navigate through all of the parties you will be attending, gifts you will be buying, cards you will be mailing, menus you will be making, and all of the other fun holiday festivities.

Holiday Cards – A do or don’t this year? If you plan on sending out cards and have not decided on the picture that will be used, that should be the very first thing on your to-do list for December. Then you, should mark time off on your calendar to create, address and send the cards. If you can’t set aside enough time for taking care of the task in one sitting, it’s ok to do it in small increments, but I suggest beginning immediately, so your time doesn’t get away from you. Don’t forget to check your address list for anything that may be missing – Did you make a new friend? Did someone recently have a change of address? Organize your list now to avoid complications later.

Events – Giving or attending? Begin organizing your calendar of events now, so you will be sure to know when and where you need to make an appearance this holiday season. Getting organized early ensures that you will not overbook yourself or miss an important event. As the invitations flow in, go ahead and RSVP immediately. Don’t wait or you could forget entirely. Another great tip is to go ahead and choose a party-ready outfit for each event. Try it on and take a picture, complete with accessories and shoes, so you will be completely prepared and stress-free before each event. And one last piece of advice – brush up on your dining etiquette!

Gifts – Giving and receiving. Make a list and check it twice! (I couldn’t resist saying that!) Seriously though – Make a list of all of the people you need to purchase a gift(s) for and also note if you’ve already decided what you’d like to purchase for them. I always suggest shopping with a list, so you don’t overbuy or forget something. Also, search online to see who has the best deals before going shopping. You may find it cheaper to purchase some items from the comfort of your couch instead of having to face the crowds. Finally, designate an out-of-the-way, away from prying eyes, spot in your home for storing the gifts until you are able to wrap them.

Noshing – Plan the menu. Grocery shopping gets a bit amped up during the holidays when you are hosting and attending numerous parties, so creating a game plan helps take the stress out of it. Create a shopping list and stick to it as much as possible to avoid wasting money or purchasing duplicates. Be sure to include items on the list for the occasional last minute visitor. I always have nuts, wine and cheese on hand for such occasions. If you frequently have last minute visitors, you may want to buy (or make) a few casseroles to have on hand, too.

Travel – Near or Far? Hopefully, you have already purchased any plane tickets that may be needed, otherwise you may face sold out flights and/or high prices. In the meantime, I suggest you create a list of travel items you will need, complete with outfits and important documents. Keep in mind the many changes that airlines make to their rules and regulations – you may want to check online to make sure you aren’t forgetting something that could cause a hold up at the gate. If you are traveling by car, it may be a good idea to get a little tune up before leaving on a long road trip. Finally, if you are unfamiliar with the place you are going, don’t leave it completely up to your GPS to guide you. Map out your trip ahead of time.
Don’t worry, I have a few more small tips and reminders for you!

Take stock of what you already have –

Avoid wasting money on duplicate purchases by taking stock of what you already have. For instance, are you good on tape? Wrapping paper? Decorations? Mushroom soup? That ongoing to-do list will help you keep track of what you already have and what needs to be purchased.

Sort through your child’s toys and clothing – Mark off thirty minutes in your schedule to sort through toys and clothing that your child may have outgrown. The holiday is a perfect time to donate them to another child in need, and it will help you to make more room for this year’s gifts, as well.

Sort through your old decorations – As you unpack your decorations this year, go ahead and get rid of and/or donate any items that you don’t like or want anymore. Your home should be filled with items you love and use.

As I stated before, the key to creating a stress-free and organized holiday is by being prepared! Prepare now and save your sanity later. Happy Holidays!