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Ask Erin: Try the Simple Life

By Nathan Coker
In AskErin
Nov 7th, 2022


The words “simplify” and “minimalistic” have been batted around quite a bit these days and my guess is that many people are becoming increasingly more curious about them.  Simplifying and minimizing can mean different things to different people.  In my opinion, it is not really about the amount of items that you have but the amount of the important items you have as well as the order in which they take up space in your life.  In other words, if you have accumulated so many items that there is no rhyme or reason to anything anymore, you are not living the simple life.   Can you relate?  If so, what has stopped you from beginning the simplifying and organizing process?  Is the thought of getting organized too overwhelming?  Or maybe you don’t have time.  Either way, I hope this article lights a fire in you that you can’t put out.  There are so many great reasons to simplify and organize that I better just go ahead and get started.  Please keep reading below:

Simple = Clean   A simple space not only looks cleaner, it is cleaner.  Not to mention it is easier to get it to that state.  YES!  Getting rid of unneccessary clutter will allow you to clean faster and easier thus creating a home that is cleaner and more enjoyable for everyone.

Simple = Less Chaos  Think about your mornings for a minute.  How chaotic do you feel while trying to get your kids, much less yourself, out of the door and to school and appointments on time?   Now, picture yourself as a calm, organized mom who is ready for anything that may come her way.  Yep…you can have that by simplifying and getting organized.  

Simple = Discipline.  Simplicity and order exemplifies discipline.  Your children will learn from your everyday discipline of cleaning and organizing and will almost instinctually display it later in life when they have created lives of their own.  Okay, okay…this doesn’t always happen, but I can guarantee that your children will notice if their home is cluttered or organized.  

Simple = Less Stress.  It is scientifically proven that clutter and disorganization breeds stress and uneasiness.  How can you nurture your relationships under such circumstances?  For that matter, how can you nurture yourself?  

Simple = Confident.  If I, or anyone, were to show up at your house right now how would you feel?  Confident in your surroundings are embarrassed by them?  Getting organized guarantees that the answer to this question would be final – confident!  

Simple = Fun.  When your home is simplified and orderly, everything takes less time so that means more time for fun!!  Not to mention, you will be confident enough to entertain friends and family in your home.  How fun is that?

Simple = Productive  How much time do you waste looking for things?  How often do you pace back and forth because you forgot what you were doing?  If you live in clutter, I can bet this is a common occurrence.  Clutter makes it extremely hard to get stuff done!  End of story.

Simple = Timely  In other words, you will never have to be late again!  Well, things happen so I can’t guarantee this one, but you know what I mean.  You are much more likely to arrive to appointments and events on time when your surroundings are simple and organized.    

Simple = Peaceful.  Disorder creates overwhlem.. Overwhelm isn’t very peaceful.  Clear the clutter to create a more serene environment.  You will be able to enjoy the small things, such as sipping hot tea, reading a good book, etc. 

Simple = More Joy  By getting rid of the items that you aren’t using, you will make room for more of the things you do love and use.   A new dress?  Why yes…let me toss a few of the items that I don’t wear anymore!  A new book?  I would love that!  Let me get rid of those that I have already read and don’t think I will read again.  Think about it…why are you holding on to items that aren’t serving any purpose or bringing you joy?

Simple = Attractive  Consider this scenario – Two women are up for a promotion.  One is frequently late to work, comes a bit frazzled, and never quite has the right outfit on.  The other is always on time, confident, and always looks streamlined and well-dressed.  Who is going to get that promotion?  My bet is on the one who is obviously more streamlined and organized.   

Simple = Gain.  By simplifying and getting organized you are gaining so much!  Never think of getting organized as “getting rid of.”  Instead you are gaining all of the things I just mentioned above!