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Aromatherapy: Essential Oils

By Nathan Coker
In Uncategorized
Dec 30th, 2019

These five essential oils should be in everyone’s home. Whether you are making homemade cough syrup or need antibacterial spray, these essential oils will help you through the winter.


PEPPERMINT – Mixed with a carrier oil, peppermint can be made into a moisturizer to relieve sore muscles. Well-known for its anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties, a few drops added to a spray cleaner can be a great antibacterial cleaner.

EUCALYPTUS – This essential oil can help silence a cough, and clear mucus from your chest. It is also effective as a bug repellant when combined with lemon. The diluted oil can help fight skin inflammation and promote healing, soothe cold sores and freshen breath.

ORANGE – The most common uses for orange essential oil is to help lift your mood and reduce stress. Combined with other oils, it can be used as a natural household cleaner. It can also be used to treat skin conditions like acne.

ROSEMARY – Inhaling rosemary oil is thought to help with concentration and memory. Also, it has been found helpful in increasing circulation when combined with massage oils. When diffused, rosemary is a great way to cut through strong odors.

LEMON – This versatile essentail oil is easily recognized because of its energizing scent. But, lemon oil can be used as a antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-fungal. Add a few drops to your laundry cycle to freshen up your laundry. Mix a few drops with coconut oil and rub on the back of your neck for immune support, or diffuse in the room for a mood booster.

Please check with your medical provider before starting any essential oil therapy.