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2014 Hunting Gear

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Profile
Sep 29th, 2014


article by Trent Livingston

The Vortex-Viper PST is setting the pace in the riflescope category for fall 2014.  “Satisfied, clear, even, confident,” are just a few terms that have been used to describe the Vortex. Head over to vortexoptics.com to further review their offerings for fall 2014.  www.vortexoptics.com

The X bolt series has been a cornerstone as of late for Browning.  The craftsmanship is comparable to the upper-end rifles but at a more affordable price point.  “Comfortable and field-worthy” are two words any shooter will buy.  www.browning.com

The Trophy Hunter series from Savage is not leaving room for discussion in the arena of price versus quality.  “Go-to-gun, sweet, accurate, light, great trigger and easy to carry,” are all words I like to hear in a rifle.  www.savagearms.com

The Black Rack is set to change rattling up bucks for the 2014 hunting season. It’s ability to sound like “two sets” of antlers instead of one is sure to bring the big one’s over to you.  With the bone-core technology and black concealment, you are sure to hit your target with this new fall 2014 technology.

With statements like, “This guy bought the whole selection out of the store and the other store nearest here,” you know Conquest Scents is on to something.  Their VS-1 estrus attractant has tales of the bucks being on the scent before you are even situated in your stand. I bought the product just because of the stories I have heard.  conquestscents.com

I bought mine last year and can say nothing but great things about the Code Black line from Patternmaster.  If only to increase the confidence of knowing you are placing the best pattern possible toward filling your limit, check out Code Black.  www.patternmaster.com

“The perfect balance of art and technology,” sets the Benelli Ethos in a different category than most shotguns.  I have owned a Benelli approaching twenty years now and can honestly say I have not had one disappointing hunt attributed to my gun.  www.benelliusa.com

Kent Fasteel is known for the patterns it places, but more and more it is becoming the shell of choice for the everyday duck hunter.