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Bow Hunting

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Profile
Aug 21st, 2014
Michael Little

Michael Little

Scotty Crockett

Scotty Crockett

Pre-Season Preparation

article by Trent Livingston

September, right?  Where did the time go?  Hopefully, during your time of getting ready for dove season, you took some time to prepare for bow season.  If not, Scotty Crockett and Michael Little of Simmons’ Sporting Goods took some time to come up with the top 5 bow season preparations you need to be doing NOW.

1.  Laws/Regulations:  Always take time to review and find what the current regulations are for the locations you plan to hunt this season. Whether it is in or out-of-state, take a few moments to do the necessary research prior to your hunt.  The last thing you need is a law or a regulation ruin your perfect hunt.

2.  Bow Tuning:  Remember, it takes at least two weeks to get new strings for your bow. Don’t wait. Check your bow now and get it in store to make sure you don’t have a dire situation when the “big one” steps into range.

3.  Practice, Practice and Practice:  Notice how many times practice is used?  3 times, which is the exact minimum you should be seeing a bull’s eye or vital section each week.  You have at least 3 weeks left, depending how good the doves are in your area, to get a total of 9 practice sessions in before the opener…start today!
4.  Tree Stand Safety:  Nothing comes before safety. As you work on getting things in order, make sure to take into account a lifeline system.  Anytime you are off the ground, be secured by a safety harness.  Please keep in mind all safety aspects as you make your preparations.

5.  Scouting:  Take time to get out to your hunting areas for scouting.  Spend your time in the woods learning the trails, bedding areas and food sources.  Know the animal you are pursuing and follow suit with the appropriate preparations.

For you wing shooters, you have less than two weeks with the Louisiana teal season slated to open on Sept 13-28.  Remember, you can get your federal stamp online at www.duckstamp.com for $15.00, and use your confirmation number and receipt until you receive actual stamp in the mail.

Hope your season has started with a full bag limit and continues to be one of the best ever.
And for those of you looking for some motivation –

    ”Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”  
– Alexander Graham Bell