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Ask Erin | Small Changes, Big Results

By Nathan Coker
In AskErin
Feb 29th, 2024

by ERIN SHARPLIN LOVE  |  erinlove@panachebyerin.com

Do you crave organization and simplicity, but feel like it is far from your reach right now?  We all go through moments in time when our world seems to be spinning out of control.  There are piles of laundry everywhere, bills that need to be paid, dishes in the sink, and homework that needs to be done.  This is just the tip of the iceberg for most of us, but I have good news.  There are some small changes that you can make now and reap the big results every day!  I’m not saying that I’m about to give you tips that will automatically organize your house or clean the dishes, but the tips I offer will give you a sense of order and organization that you may not have otherwise. These tips are easy to incorporate and will bring a little more calm and a little less stress to your everyday life.

Small Change #1 – Make sure that the entrance you use every day is free and clear of clutter.  This area serves as a transition between your “outside” (work) life and your home life, so it will immediately set the tone for the rest of your day and evening.  Big Result = Instead of being hit with clutter and chaos immediately, you will have a clean and clear entrance that will welcome you and your family.  Everything in your entrance has a purpose and a place.  Book bags are placed where they go.  Keys and sunglasses are set in a tray.  A lamp is on and offers a warm welcome while the scent of your plug-in wafts peacefully through the air.  You are ready for what the evening brings.

Small Change #2 – Close all doors including cabinets, closets, and rooms.  Open doors create more visual clutter, thus creating unnecessary stress and chaos. Behind each open door is a task or job that needs attention or completion.  These reminders keep you stuck in a cycle of unproductivity.  Big Result = Become more intentional with your time and reap the benefits of becoming more productive and present with your family.  The things that need to get done will get done at a specific time and date that you have already assigned.

Small Change #3 – Plan your upcoming week every weekend.  Every Saturday or Sunday, I suggest sitting down with a planner and planning out your upcoming week. Set all appointments, meetings, events, deadlines and practices.  Make lists of anything that needs to be done or purchased and then schedule a time to make them happen.  Include a spot in your planner for the weeks’ worth of meals, too.  Big Result = This one small change will set you up for success every week!  You will know what needs to be done to reach your goals and to complete your responsibilities as a wife, mother, friend, and entrepreneur.  You will get more things done than you ever thought possible!

Small Change #4 – Use the last ten minutes of every day clearing clutter, returning items to their proper place, and/or working towards completing a project.  Set a timer and get going.  You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in ten minutes.  Big Result = You will end the day on a positive note and wake up to a cleaner and more organized home.  The feeling of accomplishment will be the motivating force that keeps you working towards your goals.

Small Change #5 – Organize and purge your refrigerator before the next shopping trip.   I incorporate this task into my planning day – Saturday or Sunday.  Remove any expired items and take note of items that need to be used up before they ruin.  You can plan your menu accordingly.  Big Result = Organizing and purging your refrigerator weekly will save you time and money in the long run.  Knowing what you have in the fridge will reduce waste and get your creative juices flowing by encouraging new recipe creation. Having a clean and organized fridge can also encourage healthy eating by making clean eating more accessible.

Small changes can bring big results!  Which change will you try first?