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Being in Style | The Top Ten Secrets

By Nathan Coker
In AskErin
Jan 30th, 2023


For those of you who remember, I started my business as a personal stylist, and my love for the art of fashion has never left. With that in mind, I thought it was high time to bring the topic back and help us all refresh our style!

Secret #1 – The stylish woman (or man) makes it a habit to conduct a wardrobe assessment at least every other year. I have long given the advice that if an item hasn’t been worn in TWO years, it should be donated or tossed. Many other stylists and organizers live by the one-year rule, but I truly feel that two years is the better length of time for knowing when to move on from an item. During the assessment, really consider your lifestyle now and the one you hope to have in the upcoming years. Decide what to add and delete from your wardrobe with those thoughts in mind.

Secret #2 – The stylish woman doesn’t have a closet full of trends. Trends come and go, so don’t waste money and precious closet space on trendy pieces that may be out next year. Instead, choose pieces that are stylish but everlasting.

Secret #3 – The stylish woman doesn’t just shop from the sales rack. I enjoy a good sale as much as everyone else, but a “sale” usually consists of items that didn’t sell previously or are going to be out-of-date soon. There are always exceptions, and you might really hit a good deal, so be aware of the lure to buy just because an item is on sale. Make sure it fits in with your current lifestyle and the wardrobe you want.

Secret #4 – The stylish woman knows what her best, and worst, colors are. Even if something is “stylish” on the hanger, it will not translate into being attractive on you if it drains all the color from your face.

Secret #5 – The stylish woman knows her personal style and doesn’t stray from it too often. Comfort and style are synonymous! Now I don’t mean t-shirts and tennis shoes comfortable, I just mean that you will know that you’ve found your personal style when you are comfortable in your outfits. “Comfort” is more than just physical. It’s mental, too.

Secret #6 – The stylish woman knows how to dress for the body she has now. No matter what size you are, I promise there is clothing out there that will accentuate all your positive attributes!

Secret #7 – The stylish woman uses accessories sparingly and with thought. With accessories you must know when enough is enough. I don’t necessarily believe in the “take one piece of jewelry off before you walk out the door” policy, but I do believe that accessories can make or break an outfit. Here’s a tip – If you look in the mirror and your eyes can’t rest on one thing in your outfit, you probably have too much going on.

Secret #8 – The stylish woman maintains her hair and makeup. I don’t think that you should follow hair and makeup trends. I think style comes from creating your own look and sticking with it. I am the perfect example of this tip because I have had the same bob haircut for years. At this point, if I change my hairstyle I wouldn’t look or feel like myself.

Secret #9 – The stylish woman knows how to treat her clothing. For instance, never use wire hangers or you run the risk of deforming your clothing. If the label says “dry clean,” it is best to leave it to the professionals. And last, but not least, take care to store your purses and shoes in a way that they will not lose their shape or get scuffed.

Secret #10 – The stylish woman knows what she has in her wardrobe and can maximize it to the greatest potential. If you haven’t learned the art of mixing and matching, you must! I once did a style clinic where I had 10 pieces of clothing and 5 accessories. I was able to make almost 50 different outfits out of those 16 pieces. Can you imagine the outfit opportunities that are lurking in your closet right now? If you are unsure of where to start when it comes to mixing and matching, feel free to reach out to me or simply peruse Pinterest for outfit inspiration.