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How to Make the Most of the Rest of Your Year

By Nathan Coker
In AskErin
Aug 1st, 2021

by ERIN SHARPLIN LOVE |  [email protected]

Is it just me or has this year FLOWN by? When I think about what I have accomplished so far, I am happy, but there are still things I want to do. With that in mind, I decided to begin a refresh so that I can optimize my potential in work and in life. Then I thought you may be interested in doing the same thing and here we are.We are going to do this together and  I cannot wait to see what you do!

Let’s start with what you want to be different and what you want to stay the same. Think about that for a second. We all start the year with good intentions, but we become so busy that we become complacent toward achieving our goals. Things come up, and as it gets further and further into the year, trying to accomplish more becomes so overwhelming we sometimes decide to leave things the way they are. Therein lies the secret to success – cut out the overwhelm! To achieve your goals, you must break down the steps into bite-sized chunks that are easy to swallow AND easy to achieve. You can eat an elephant, but only one bite at a time!

I recommend taking a few minutes at the beginning or end of each day to complete each task I list below.  Or, if it suits you better, you can take a full day to complete each step.  The trick is to do each one separately and with an open mind.  

TASK ONE – As with any project, the first step is to analyze where you are now. Grab a new notebook for this task. What do you like about your present work and personal life? What do you wish were different? For instance, I am happy with the momentum that my business is gaining, but I want more time to get things organized and operating in perfect order. I thrive on order and organization, but sometimes like many of us I go on auto pilot and let things slide—the feeling I dislike most. 

Next jot down what you want to change about where you are now.  Choose only three things to improve, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself.

TASK TWO – Again, this one applies to all projects that you begin.  You must envision the ending so you can figure out the steps it will take to get there. Now you need to concentrate on what you want to be as if you were already there. Do not move on until  you have mastered this very important step in the process. Remember, practice makes perfect!

TASK THREE – Set affirmations for the three changes you hope to make.  In other words, choose three quotes that inspire you.  For instance – “Invent your world.  Surround yourself with people, color, sounds, and work that nourish you.” (Sark) I love this quote, and it definitely reminds me each day to stay on track. Once you have chosen your three quotes, post them where you will see them often during the day. I keep my quotes in my journal, in my planner, and in my car.  Where will you put yours?

TASK FOUR – Declutter and simplify the systems and spaces that are overwhelming right now. This could take a bit longer than most, so work on small areas as much as possible. I suggest setting a timer for ten minutes and working only until the timer goes off. If you want to make fundamental changes and improvements to your life, you must make room! The most important space to declutter first is your bedroom, as it is the place you rest and recharge. Figure out what will make the area more relaxing and act on it today. Remember to spend only ten minutes at a time on this task. You might want to add a pillow topper to your mattress for a more hotel-like feel. You could also add an essential oil diffuser to your bedside table. The next area to tackle is your workspace. This doesn’t have to be an entire room.  It can be an area where you read mail and pay bills. The trick is to simplify the space. If you have too many things to look at and to touch, you will more likely be overwhelmed, and your duties will become a lot less enjoyable.  If this happens, you are less likely to attack them.  

TASK FIVE – Make a list of the things you will now be saying “no” to.  In order to crush the end of the year, you need to make time to complete these tasks. That means you will have to say “no” to something else. What will that be? For instance, I will say “no” to unneeded meetings that last longer than they should.  I will also say “no” to wasting time on social media. How much time are you wasting on things that aren’t leading you towards your goal? Say “no” to them.

TASK SIX – Grab an accountability partner to keep you on track.  You should talk with this person at least once a week and conduct a “check in” to see how you are doing. There is nothing like having to tell someone you didn’t follow through to make you follow through. Try it!  It’s so simple it actually works!  

Let me leave you with this little tidbit:

“Without continuous personal development you are now all that you will ever become, and hell starts when the person you are meets the person you could have been.“ – Eli Cohen