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Simply Lou

By Cassie Livingston
In Simply Lou
Jun 5th, 2020

It’s the Little Things

article by LOU DAVENPORT

I admit I got that title from a Robert Earl Keen song, “It’s the little things, the little bitty things.” That’s what “solitary confinement” has been like lately. I’m learning to appreciate those “the little things.”

Which brings me to the “little things, those little bitty things.” In this weird time we find ourselves, I’m laying low. I’m doing all the “safety precautions” “they” say to do and it’s not too bad. I will admit that I have had a few “19th Nervous Breakdowns” and I guess I would be abnormal if I hadn’t. But, I have also discovered some “very good little things” and that’s my topic for today. Hope you like it.

I have discovered that my patio at my new apartment is my haven. I’ve cried out there, I’ve cussed (to myself, not out loud, thank God!) and I’ve thought deep thoughts and come up with new ways of doing old things. I’ve learned to stop doing stuff I was doing BEFORE “the plague” hit and I think I am doing pretty well, all things considered. My dear little dog, Walter, hasn’t let me out of his sight. How thankful I am to have him!

I’ve gotten to know many of my new neighbors as they pass by walking their dogs. I know their names and the names of their dogs. We chat and have gotten to know each other and that probably would not have happened “before.” I even have a bowl of dog treats for the dogs who are now Walter’s friends, too. I even “jerry-rigged” a water bowl with a rock to hold it down from the winds. It’s for all of those that might need a drink on their runs and/or walks. One of my favorite dogs, Mojo, tried to play ball with that rock! I do get to watch “The Mojo Show” every afternoon when his big pointer self gets out in the yard and plays with his kick ball. Everybody seems to have dogs out here and I have fallen in love with every one of them and of course, their mammas and daddies. I feel almost like the den mother since I’m the “crazy old lady with the funky decorated patio.” But, I am honored to be the den mother. They are a bunch of great young adults, and they have kept me laughing! It is the best medicine, you know!

I have little green anoles that live on my patio, those little lizards that change color! I have named the three of them, Hopper, Thomas and Woody. Those names are all plays on the names of famous artists since one of my great joys has been teaching a bit of art appreciation every day on Facebook. It’s been good for me to brush up on so much of the information about these artists that I had forgotten. I call it my service to the lock down. I love art appreciation and it is something I can safely share. And, I am thrilled to say it’s catching on!

A note about those little anoles. They shed their skins. Right now, Hopper is molting and the skin that has shed is blue. A beautiful shade of blue, at that!

I’ve seen a beautiful blue dragonfly that seems to visit several times a day. I’ve murdered red wasps with no guilt whatsoever. I watch a mocking bird find bugs and worms for her babies, wherever her nest is. I’ve seen an obnoxious squirrel pester all the dogs and just today he was being a high wire artist walking down the top of the fence, a little sparrow stops by who recently had babies hatch across the way at one of the apartments. I’ve seen some of the most beautiful moons sitting right out there in my own little bit of paradise. Three red tailed hawks catch the wind and go sailing along. There’s a white cattle egret that flies by going somewhere. There’s even a block of ducks, mallards I think, that honk down at us. A white heron flies by at least two or three times a day and I just found out there’s a nest of crows right across the tracks from me. Oh how they caw! And the most exciting birds I’ve seen were a pair of house finches sitting on my bottle tree. I haven’t seen any of them in years!

I am watching all the plants that I transplanted from my former yard prosper in pots and that’s like bringing your old friends to come live with you. And, I’ve gotten excited about learning to use rooting hormone to root my roses. My cuttings of them have all rooted and one has even bloomed.

I’ve had a nice man stop by and give me a bouquet a beautiful wild flowers. The next day he stopped by with an even prettier bouquet. Now, he stops by on occasion and has a beer while I have an afternoon cocktail. Seems like he paints, too, and he paints very well. Carries on a good conversation, too! This has been almost an unheard of thing for me since not many a man, aside from family, has made me laugh in over ten year. He wears cool hats, too.

So… my point is, if you look, there’s a lot to enjoy, so appreciate “the little things, the little bitty things” right in your own back yard. Stay safe my friends but do not forget to notice all the little miracles that come though your life each and every day. We only come around once, so, let’s all make it count. I’m over here trying. I do know a good whiskey sour does seem to help. It’s medicinal, you know?

I am going to end this with a lyric by John Prine. I have done some grieving for him out on that patio… His passing was a hard one. So… ”When I get to Heaven… I’m gonna have a cocktail, vodka and ginger ale. I’m gonna smoke a cigarette 9 miles long. I’m gonna kiss that pretty girl on the tilt a whirl cause this ol man is goin’ to town!” I pray he is doing that and much more. Rest easy, dear one.