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BayouKidZ:Your Happiness Meter

By Nathan Coker
In Bayou Kidz
Aug 1st, 2018

Putting Lifes Challenges in Perspective, for Our Kids’ Sake

article by Cindy G. Foust

Happy August, readers, as I write this month’s column from the cool and comfortable chair of my office. It’s hard to believe that just a few short months ago I was writing to you from the cozy and warm chair in my living room, as I watched the blizzard descend upon the BayouLife community. But alas, we live in the South, so anything is possible during any given season. I might even try out that egg frying experiment on my driveway shortly, you know, like we did when we were in elementary school? Or not…because I might suffer from a heat stroke, if I go outside for any length of time and I sure don’t want to have another “episode,” because I was outside cracking an egg on my driveway.

I do, in fact, hope this column finds you and your family enjoying what’s left of our summer, as we get ready to morph into the holiday season. Wow…only 157 shopping days until Christmas for this rapidly moving 2018 year. Yes, the Fa-La-La season will be here before you know it and while that season does make me happy, fall is actually the time of year that I look the most forward to. And on days like today, with a heat index of 105, I am really, REALLY looking forward to it.

I love the cool weather, for sure, but I just love all the food, fun and fellowship the season brings…football and pumpkin anything. Quite simply, it just makes me happy. Speaking of being happy, did you know that August 8 is Happiness Happens Day? Wait…what? Yes, I know, another quirky holiday that comes across my computer screen. Most of them I just laugh about, but every now and then I come across one that I feel compelled to share with you. This is definitely one of them, because, well, I have been thinking a lot lately about the happiness “meter” in my own life.

You see, when someone you know and love finds themselves in a potentially life-threatening and certainly, life-changing situation, you stop and take a minute to reflect on your own life, right? So basically, this month readers, I am talking to you “grown-ups” out there. Currently, in my life right now, two people that I love are going through some pretty harrowing days, all stemming from a medical crisis they are going through. You know I share everything with you, readers, and I’ve shared my own medical traumas, but honestly, after the storm passes, and things get “back to normal,” how quickly we forget the perspective those experiences SHOULD have given us.

Case in point, this week I was visiting in the home of one of my friends, and as I sat and watched her brave and tenacious spirit, I couldn’t help but think that no matter what problems I might be experiencing, I had my health. My family had their health. Isn’t that what should make us truly happy?

Now don’t get me wrong, I am convinced that my friend will overcome this minor setback, but she might have to go through a little bit to get there…but really? Can any problems we are experiencing really be that bad? Can any conflicts we might have with family or friends be so significant that we can’t put our differences aside and just “be happy?” Are there really any work related issues or financial issues that are more important than facing a deadly disease that requires intense treatment?

Instead friends, let’s use these opportunities for our own happiness meter…let’s use these instances for our own point-of-reference in what SHOULD be most important in our lives.  Happiness is what we allow it to be.

Listen, I am a fine one to be talking, as I have had a few medical scares that should have me on the permanent road of “I don’t care about anything as long as I’m healthy, and my family is healthy.” But, like many of you I’m sure, I let the things in life really bog me down…and most of the time they probably aren’t really that significant.

Life’s ups and downs are always going to be there…the ebb and flow of life will take us to the pinnacle of happiness and the next day, to the depths of despair. But take it from me, when you sit across the room from your beautiful, brave friend, suddenly, the “perspective” goggles get really focused.

On this particular afternoon, I found myself feeding off her faith, and really thinking that things weren’t so bad for me after all. And from my past experience, for those of you with young children, they will also feed off your happiness and your mood. I’ll never forget the time, during my breast cancer treatment, that I overheard my children talking about how mom never laughs anymore. Now, don’t get me wrong, a medical crisis will certainly strip every ounce of humor you ever thought about having away, but it really made me stop and realize that they were watching, and observing every move I made. It was a profound moment for me, and I started having my meltdowns in my closet!

How is your happiness meter, readers? What is plaguing you in your life right now that you can just let go of? We all have things that weigh us down, but our personal happiness tends to bleed into every aspect of our lives…our marriage, our relationship with our children, our relationship with our friends, our work. It can really weigh you down, but you can also make the conscious effort to not let it be bigger than you. I challenge you to line your problems up beside your neighbor’s, and I guarantee, yours won’t seem nearly as profound.

I know this month’s column was a little heavier than most, and for that, I beg your forgiveness. Every now and then, I, like you, have a life experience that I am fortunate enough to be able to share in the lines of this column. An experience that I hope will speak to you in the way it has spoken to me. And an experience that has put the perspective back in my life and made me so grateful  for the life that I do have…for the life I get to share with you. It is indeed a privilege, and I thank you for allowing me in your homes, in your family life, as we navigate through together.