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article by Michael DeVault | photography by Brad Arender Chef Cory Bahr’s “future” looks remarkably like the present of the customers who frequent his restaurant. Where many businesses and owners plan years down the road, Bahr’s focus is on the plate that’s in front of h...
article by Erin Sharplin Love It’s that time of year again – back to school!  And, hitting the books again means the return of hectic schedules, alarm clocks and paper piles.  If you don’t prepare now, you are guaranteed a school year that will quickly become over-whelming. Don’t worry, though, I wou...
reviews by Michael DeVault Since humans first discovered fire cooked food, there have been stories about cooks. In Melville’s Moby-Dick, Fleece is taken to task for his kitchen skills. The classic Grapes of Wrath finds Ma frequently over a pot, preparing food with love. Non-fiction books aren’t immun...